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morning hike in the desert

Post by Leslie

One morning this weekend, we loaded up the minivan (why are car rental places always out of the SUV I reserve and always forcing me into the horrendous minivan??) and we drove out into the desert to White Water Reserve for a hike along the Pacific Coast Trail.It was a beautiful morning with a lovely breeze, and the desert was stunning. We saw tons of vegetation and some Big Horn sheep climbing the mountains and, in general, it was just a good change of scenery.Along the hike, two men approached me and they told me to stop littering. One of them was holding my business card in his hand.As we got closer, I saw it was my good friend Jim from the paper and his partner! Some cards had fallen out of a pocket on my backpack, and they found them! And then they found me! On the other side of the country, in the middle of the desert. The world is strange sometimes.It was so fun to run into friends like that. So fun that like a dolt, I forgot to take a photo! You'll just have to trust me. And you can read all about what Jim thinks about Palm Springs here. Next time we come, I'm checking out his suggestions!And yes. There will certainly be a next time.