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morning walk

1014walksmI woke up early this morning, a bit sad to be leaving. Can you blame me? Anyway, it was still dark out, and I sat by the fire and waited for the coffee to brew, then threw on my sneakers and decided it was light enough to walk along the beach and see what had washed up with the tide (I left Jamie sound asleep).I found tons of crabs, lots of sand dollars and even a poor, dead starfish (which are so cool to examine up close). There were only a handful of other dog walkers or joggers along the water, and it was a perfect goodbye to this lovely spot before we packed up the cottage, hopped in the car and drove back to Seattle. I'm waiting in the gate right now to board our plane, then we'll get home late and I'll crash before stumbling into class tomorrow.This has been such a phenomenal trip. If any of you are thinking of such a getaway, please reach out. I would love to share all the wonderful places we found along the way.No internet share as I don't have time to search before we board the plane. Perhaps you'll get two tomorrow -- along with a picture of sweet Magda who I miss so much!!