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mr and mrs

02smI had another wonderful wedding last weekend over at the Como Conservatory. I had shot weddings there before -- so lovely! -- but I had never been at a reception there. Quite a lovely space! Anyway, that up there is just one sneak peek image -- it will probably be a week or so before I can pull together a full take.As it sounds, things around HQ are super busy this week as I'm wrapping up a bunch of work (so! many! cats!), preparing birthday gifts (my man celebrates another year this weekend!) and packing the whole family up for a long weekend in Ohio with friends. I am beyond excited for the short vacation, but there's a lot to get done before we step onto that plane. Not to worry though. I'm sure flying with a wiggly toddler will be perfectly enjoyable (cough, cough).And today on the internet I found...These shoes which I adore because since I tore my calf muscle last spring, heels are not really working in my favor anymore.Wonderful, free fonts? Don't mind if I do, thanks.And millions of people who say they love connecting on Facebook, but have never been on the internet. Oh yeah.