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ms. emily haines, ladies and gentlemen

Tonight I got to see Metric. You remember them. They are one of my very favorites (have I mentioned how much I love seeing ladies rock out on stage?). They put on such an amazing show. Seriously, if they are coming to your town and you don't go, we might have to have a talk. Like, about our friendship. This is serious.Anyway, it was a fabulous show, and I had those fabulous second row seats that I mentioned before and I was just a pretty happy girl. By the way, remember those shoes she wore earlier in the summer? Yeah, she danced like a MACHINE in those same boots all night long. That right there was worth paying to see even if you discount the AMAZING music we got to hear.Man tonight was fun. Have I said that yet? And then? Then Kyle and I had a total fangirl moment when we went and met some of the band members after the show and he took my photo with them. Now you listen here, I meet musicians all the time. It never really is that big of a deal. I think the last time I had my photo taken with a band was Wilco in 2000 (back when I adored them, you know, ages ago). Anyway, tonight I decided to go for it. THAT'S HOW GOOD THEY WERE LIVE. Yup. I was THAT GIRL.Oh yeah. Other photos. You can see them here.