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my boys

0728MerlinsmGosh, you guys, these posts are gonna be so boring. Let's see... I finished a book today (A Tale for the Time Being) and the ending totally pissed me off. But the good part was that I stayed in my pajamas until 5 pm reading and felt zero guilt, which is exactly what vacations are for.And this is exactly one of the many things I will miss so much once Kid Plesser is here, as I'm pretty sure my luxurious days of reading all day in my pjs are over. But! The biggest accomplishment of this trip so far has been that as of this morning, we have finally decided on baby names. And no! I'm not going to tell you! We're not telling ANYONE. That is a hornets nest that will not be cracked, but it is a relief to have finally made a decision. You'll just have to be patient.Since I have a photo of Merlin up there, I figure it's worth an update on him. He's doing really well up here at the cabin -- lots of forest exploration, lots of eating, lots of sleeping under the ceiling fans. This is definitely his happiest of places, and I'm so glad we could get him back for one last summer visit. But realizing this is his last visit is making us a touch sad and nostalgic, I must be honest.