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my kind of girl

0807hauschlidtsmI take my clients to all the glamorous spots, no? Actually, I was photographing this wonderful family tonight down by the river, and their teenage son loved running off the beaten path to the sketchier areas. He takes classes for parkour (how cool is THAT?), and he kept finding spots to practice. He was jumping off of this beam, and his sister, in a dress and cowboy boots, wanted to follow. Love girls like that.I was just glad we didn't find a body -- doesn't this look like the start of a CSI episode? Wait. We did find one body -- a poor muskrat in the river.And after the shoot? I saw a fox run right in front of my car! It was about as big as Magda and it was red with a beautiful white tip on its tail.And how about something to make you laugh for your internet share of the day? I promise, it won't fail.