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my other boy

0115merlinsmThere's my guy. Merlin here had a rough weekend -- or rather his digestive tract did. It seems that the stress of us leaving town these days mucks up his system, so we'll be staying in Minneapolis for a while now. This poor guy has been in recovery since our return, and today he seemed to turn a corner, following me around the house, asking to go outside to enjoy the "warm" 36-degree-weather and repeatedly meeting me at the door when I returned from errands.I know I've said this before, but aging pets are so tough. So much worry and indecisiveness and just hoping that you're making the right calls regarding their life.On a more uplifting note, I have three great internet shares today. First off, I love seeing this kitchen remodel -- it's a small kitchen and something that many more of us can relate to than something you see on HGTV. Second, I love this "choose your own adventure" game on Twitter. And third, should things go south with Merlin, I'll be eating a ton of this.