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my totally focused coworker

1testsmNow if only I could get her to answer my email, eh? She'd be the perfect assistant!I had a client reach out this week who needed photos of a dog working at a computer. I was like, "Yeah! I can totally do that!" Then in the back of my mind, I'm like, "I should probably practice this and make sure I can really do that." You know that saying fake it until you make it? Yeah. I'm all about that.Anyway, so I set about spending 20 minutes with Magda yesterday to see if I could get her to look like she was working at the computer. Voila! It proved to be a nice test, and she loved working for the treats.For your internet share today, how about some pretty owl photos. I loooove these.Oh! And an update on the boys. Ezra is still congested, but much less than yesterday and he's, um, singing a lot. I'm wondering if he likes how it feels on his throat? It's weird. And funny. And Merlin stopped pacing! We stopped his pain medications to see if it was a side effect, and it appears that maybe it was. Soooo, now we need a new pain medication? Thinking that over...