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my winter girl

post by leslie

What a week.I have been thrown off and derailed this week, and I am off my game for sure. Two days with a child home (one for a holiday I don't really understand and one for a snow day that I'm not really sure was needed), one day busting my ass on work every minute of the day, another day at a corporate shoot downtown followed by more portraits in the studio... And then today.I had this vision of sitting at my desk all morning catching up on work and email and all the things that I am behind on.But.But instead I crawled out of bed and worked out in the basement as a bit of payback for my delicious, but not so healthy dinner last night. Then I got the boys out the door and was about to sit down and work. And then looked at my dog, and realized this poor girl hadn't had a walk since Sunday and it was sunny out and let's just go do that right quick.And then my phone started ringing off the hook (hello old friends! hello new clients! hello telemarketers!) and I needed to deal with a shipping issue with amazon and THIS IS HOW DAYS DISAPPEAR. Is this too much information? Sorry. My whole week seems to have gotten away from me.But.Right now, I'm heading out the door to pick up a friend from college at the airport, who I get to spend the afternoon with. I am so excited and it will be lovely, but for the love of god, will someone please teach me how to forget about all the work that is waiting for me at my computer? Because I really need this day to reset.Here's hoping next week is more productive. And here's hoping Minneapolis stops cancelling school for weather.