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my 10-year-old prince

There's my guy! Such a charmer. Since we got our Jawbone Ups last week, he's been getting a ton more walks -- and he couldn't be happier about it. And he is such an amazingly good walker now that he's older and isn't in competition with the Golden Retriever. We can even drop his leash and he just heals right by our side. Wow.The rest of today included my early-morning class, an amazingly fun and educational lunch with a colleague, more grading and some contract writing (the fun just never stops!) and then a visit from the plumber to have the sewer drain snaked. And oh wow, did THAT smell good. At least Merlin thought so (ick).Ah! I almost forgot my internet share of the day! I got invited to run a 5K with some friends today, and I was all, "Have we met? I don't run. At all." But then I clicked on the link and WOW I WOULD CONSIDER THIS ONE. Here's the deal: You're not just running a race, instead you are being chased through the woods by zombies. That's probably the exact motivation I need to actually exercise. Anyway, I have a trip up north the weekend of this event, so I can't make it. But YOU should consider it (and please, please, please take photos...).