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my prince

Oh man, I love this guy so much. He is so happy (if not exhausted) up here at the lake. Today we took a long walk up the road and he saw his first deer! She bounded across the road in front of him. It was the first time we had trouble getting him to stop and come back to us, but he did in the end -- such a superstar. Magda was there as well, but she was on the leash (because we don't trust her... obviously).But she had her own adventure today. She almost made the conscious decision to swim. Jamie got in the water (just shin-deep -- it's freezing!) and after much stress, whining and deliberation, she joined him up to her elbows. Then she got so excited that she bounded around the outside of the cabin like a complete fool (clearly on an adrenaline high). Later that night, we discovered she had her first tick, so she got to sit still while we removed it (ick).The rest of our day consisted of reading -- started and finished book no. 1 (Tell the Wolves I'm Home -- wonderful!), snacking (frozen grapes, frozen mango and almonds), napping, and trying new photo tricks like the one above.What's so different about that shot? I used artificial light (a remote flash) to light the boy. I'm still working on my technique, and next time I try it will not be at dusk when the entire family is being eaten alive by mosquitos. I promise. Next up? The stars! Look for that one soon.