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my valentine

I should really just make this whole "I'm too damn tired on Wednesdays after 13 hours of work to take a photo" thing a THING you know? Like, how 'bout we just call it "Way Back Wednesdays," and until class ends (or I somehow become lightning fast on the PC at work) we'll just reflect on a photo that I never used on the blog before?Like this one! The other day I was searching for that "before" shot of my office, and I accidentally was looking in November of 2011 instead of 2012 and I found this. Man, how cute is SHE? I mean, she just defines trouble in that photo. And look how much browner and healthier she looked in 2011. Sigh.Anyway, as I hinted at before, my day was slammed with work, but with a few nice surprises sprinkled in -- one being a Macklemore show announcement at SXSW the night I arrive. Hello and welcome to Texas! I cannot wait.I hope y'all have a wonderful Valentine's day today, and I hope you get a little extra affection from the person you want it from (and not from the creepers you'd rather avoid). XO!