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Nan Run Free

These are my work buddies. Well, I guess two of them are. The other two USED to be my work buddies, as of today. Nancy, in the center top, left the paper last spring and Nan, who is in the middle at the bottom, worked her last day today. But unlike Nancy, Nan is leaving Minnesota and heading south to homestead some land and quit working in corporate America. So are you all as jealous as I am? Yeah. Sigh. I know.Nan is a free spirit who I have admired for many more reasons than this recent move. For example, a while back she quit her job at the LA Times and hopped on her sail boat with her man and they sailed all over the world for several YEARS. Yes. Years. And then she moved back to Minnesota, got a new job at the paper, bought a house that needed a crap-ton of work, and got busy. The whole time she's been here (maybe five years?) she and her man, Mason, have been redoing the whole house (and doing an AMAZING job) and saving money from their work getting ready to leave it all behind again. Sigh. Yeah. Still jealous.And today is the day. Today they close on the sale of their house and literally take the money and run. So let's wish her well in her latest adventure. As part of her going away gift, I set up a blog for her so we can follow the journey from our respective cubicles. You can read all about it over here.