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Tonight I was watering the garden (yay me for keeping the plants alive!) and I went to water our porch plants at the same time. We have had a few sparrows hanging out in the hanging baskets lately (they are sheltered by the porch and a good place to chill), and I didn't really think about it when I poured the pitcher of water into the pot which was hanging above my head making it impossible to see inside.Lo and behold, while I was watering a baby bird JUMPED from the basket all the way to the ground and started bouncing and chirping away like crazy. Wow! So I ran down and immediately was having the argument of 1) Do I catch it? And put it back in the plant? Will it smell like me? Will the parents abandon it? OR 2) If I let it go, what if that pesky cat gets it! It can't fly yet! And that cat ate our baby bunnies (I am pretty sure).So yeah, there I am chasing around this baby bird in the new garden and I caught it in my hands, ran back up to the porch and just gently dropped it back in the pot. Again, which is above me so I can't see in. And guess what? THEN ANOTHER BABY BIRD JUMPS OUT. This one was much bigger!And now I'm chasing ANOTHER baby bird around the garden! Crazy! I got this one, too, and then I pulled down the hanging basket to set this one in. I figured this would save any other babies from leaping outta there.So I pulled down the basket and looked inside and found this perfect little nest! I didn't want to get too close or pull back the plants too much because I think I disturbed these guys enough. And I'm not sure who was freaked out more -- them or me.After all this drama we took the dogs for a walk, and when we returned the parents flew outta the nest. So I think all is good.