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new year's eve

So tonight was New Year's Eve, and I flew back from Wichita bright and early so I could get in town and spend the day with Jamie before going out. I haven't really mentioned it here, but he's been sick as a dog for the last week. When I got back, I asked him if he was sure he wanted to go out tonight, but he thought he could go for a bit -- we just wouldn't stay for the whole show. Atta boy!So we headed over to the Triple Rock and caught all of The Chalice, who I had not seen before but was very entertained by, all of Astronautalis (above), who was obviously fantastic (duh) and the two songs by Har Mar Superstar. I actually was enjoying Har Mar's set quite a bit, but Jamie was wearing thin, and I wanted to get him back to bed. When I got home, I saw this image in my twitter feed.... and .... I'm not sure if the emotions I feel are more envy that I wasn't there to shoot such antics or sublime relief that I wasn't there to shoot such antics. Man. What a show.To see the rest of the photos I shot (where Har Mar is completely clothed), go here.