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17smAh yes, still at my computer working on wedding photos from last week. I have six shoots in the next eight days, and five of those will last about 8 hours, so I'm trying to get as much ahead of my work now as I can. I'm not one to park in front of the computer all day (and enjoy it), but sometimes it's very much required. As such, I'm sharing another image from last week that I processed today. This is a sneak peek of last Saturday's wedding. Normally I like wedding portraits that are happy and romantic and such, but because the groom here is in a kilt, I really liked the more serious tone. It was a lovely wedding with tons of beautiful details (which you'll see more of later).And for your entertainment, here are a few things I found online today. First, those millennials are pretty darn serious about their food. Second, I love this story about the importance of taking vacations (obviously). This snippet I found fascinating:

Those who left between 11 and 15 days unused were 6.5 percent less likely to receive a raise or bonus than those who used all their vacation days.

And lastly, as an ode to my mother-in-law, here is an article about all the ways you can save money by shopping at Costco, even if you are only cooking for two.