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night sky

I took this last night before bed -- it was about 10:30 and it looked pitch black out, but to get the light from the stars, I kept my shutter open forever (hey thanks Mere for the tripod loaner!) and I loved that in this shot you can see... a falling star? an airplane? a satellite? a spaceship? Not sure, but something moving up there. I'm gonna go with alien life forms :)I took a ton of photos today as well, but this one was my favorite. I'll do a full set tomorrow of the entire trip, You can now see a full set from today as well as the entire trip (including a doe and her fawn!) over here.Something I haven't really gone into since we arrived is the weather. It's been chilly (in the low 60s all week) so we've been spending most of our time either in the cabin, or on the dock in pants and a hoodie. The good news is that the bugs have been minimal, providing for fantastic hiking. The bad news? Not much lake time.Today that changed, and it heated up to 76 or so. There was sunning, and reading and swimming -- it was so nice. I have a tan line now! I am really, really sad to be heading back to Minneapolis. In fact, we are talking about maybe booking next year's trip when we check out tomorrow -- that's how fantastic it has been.Ah Minnesota, you steal my heart.