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no longer a coworker

Miss Margaret here has moved on to her dream job. I am so happy for herReallyThat sobbing? Don't mind that. *sniffIt's just me selfishly wondering who I can lock eyes with and telepathically communicate with now when I'm trapped in ridiculous meetings. Who will make me laugh with her favorite Oatmeal sketches? Who will see I'm so angry that I'm shaking and instantly send me some Metallica* so I can listen as loud as possible through my headphones and not lose my temper at work? Who will look at eight different versions of the cover and not make fun of me for being so anal, but rather suggest maybe pushing on further to a ninth? Sigh. Can you tell how much I'm gonna miss her? At least she's staying in town so we can still down tequila and laugh until we snort. That's a special friend, right there.*Calm down all you music moralists! I OWN every Metallica album! I'm not stealing it, I just don't have them all at the office, so it's simply "borrowed."