off to los angeles
I really wanted to blog this photo yesterday (when it would have been the proper thing to do since that's when it was shot), but that would mess up my whole Mondays with Magda theme, which I know has a bit of a following -- hence the cheat today. ANYWAY, enough on that.This is Alexandra. She is a
client friend. I love it when that happens -- when you go out on a shoot with a client and you're all giddy about how much fun it was and the things you learned, and then you look at the photos and they are full of fantastic memories of laughing and shenanigans. That's what photographing this lady is like -- Big Fun.This was my third shoot with her, and we squeezed it in at the last moment because she's packing up and moving to Los Angeles in a week! Woot! I only recently learned that she drives this adorable Beetle convertable, and I was super excited to shoot her zipping around the lakes in it. The photo just *feels* like summer, which I really love.I had two other options for fresh photos today. 1) Magda graduated from obedience class! But you saw her yesterday. 2) I have this awesome new bird feeder! And it's attracting all these birds! And they see me walk into the kitchen and they fly away! I've been trying to shoot them for a WEEK and they keep evading me. I will keep trying. Trust me.And for your internet share of the day, check out this amazing series of photos of this old man in Alaska raising sled dogs for the Iditarod! I loooooove them. More specifically, I love the contrast between the clean, white fur and the dirty, wrinkled and bearded man who is raising them. I also LOVE them in black and white. I would love to do a project like this.Also, if you hover your mouse on the right side of the image and click, it will flip to the next photo. In case you don't find that to be intuitive. Enjoy!