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oh hello, mr. president

0627obama1smSo after a good night of deep sleep (10 hours! Woot!), I woke up and headed down to Lake Harriet to see President Obama speak. I think it's pretty rad that the leader of the free world visited my neighborhood, I'm not gonna lie. Plus, I got to talk to some neighbors -- mostly about the book I'm reading, not so much about politics (which is fine by me).He mostly spoke about his typical talking points: Raising the minimum wage, equal pay for women, healthcare for all etc etc. It wasn't as moving as that time I saw him speak back in 2008 (almost six years ago!), but I still enjoyed the morning and was super happy I went.For your internet share of the day, how about a look at Marilyn Monroe's workout routine and her diet? Pretty interesting interview!0627obama2sm