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oh, wash

post by leslie

This is Wash. Do you remember him from last year? He has still has not been adopted, and this makes me terribly sad. I'm including some of his puppy photos here so you can see how much he's grown.Wash trotted into my studio this year and couldn't wait to sniff me and say hello. He's super friendly and warm, and I was baffled at why he had not found a forever home yet!But this boy gets pretty nervous in new situations, and as soon as I squatted down on the floor with my camera, he began barking. He eventually settled down, but I think he's having a tough time finding a home because his first impression on new people might be tough. And he's BIG. And he has a LOUD BARK. And those things can be scary if you're not around dogs a lot.I am really hoping Wash here can find a loving home with a family that wants to train with him and work with him to make him into the best boy he can be. If you think that person might be you, here is his adoption information. About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.