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oh hey! it's dawes!

Man, what an amazing day! Seriously, it was fantastic. First, it began with an email inviting Merlin to be in a music video. Hello favorite worlds colliding! The shoot isn't until the end of April, and he's not the star or anything, there are a lot of dogs involved, but I'm still super excited. Then I got an invitation to head out of the office for lunch and go see Dawes play their new music over at the Current studios! Hell yes! I will do that! (You can see Taylor performing in the photo -- a great show, as usual).Let's see... oh yes, then we had an email about an awesome wedding in a vineyard and then dinner with Nyberg that involved the most delicious onion rings outside of the State Fair (these had coffee in them! and they were amazing!) and then a party for a dear friend who turned 40 today. So yeah, great day eh? Tomorrow will be super long as I have to get up in 6.5 hours and work for 12 in a row, but then I get to see the Joy Formidable again! Yay! So you can look forward to more rock'n'roll this week, hallelujah.And my interent share of the day comes from Jezebel, which confirms my thought that every person on the planet is insecure about their looks. I shoot photos of some of the most gorgeous women, and let me tell you they are just as nervous about photos as the rest of us. To confirm that, here is a story about how Audrey Hepburn did not find herself beautiful. HELLO. AUDREY HEPBURN was self conscious about her body. I don't know if I love this in that it shows that we all are in the same boat or if I hate this in that Holy Cow if *she* had image issues, then we are all screwed.