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oh yeah... i owed you more photos

I finally got my photos from The Joy Formidable up! They are over here, and one of my favorites is above. When you see the rest of the set, you'll see that Ritzy normally smiles. She smiles big and she smiles all the time. Which is why this photo cracks me up. Just look at all those cameras in her face! And look at that hilarious frown. I love it.

Today included a bunch of photo editing, a bunch of emailing, a nice walk, lunch with my Man over at Tilia (man, I love that place), and about five hours of work on an upcoming issue of AND THEN IT SNOWED. Not like a few flurries, like lots of snow coming down hard for more than an hour. Thank God none of it stuck, because let's get one thing clear, I DON'T SHOVEL SNOW IN APRIL. That's a bunch of BS right there.

And now I'm home snacking on the sofa watching some terrible trash television before meeting up with my buddy Mere to celebrate her birthday. Pretty good Friday. Tomorrow I'mma try not to work as hard though.