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So, since my trip back to Kansas last month, I've taken up yoga again. Well, I never really gave it up... but class once a month and a few down-dogs in the morning don't really constitute a "practice." While home, I noticed that as soon as I made the 2-3 times a week commitment I was much more grounded and had a better attitude about all the bullshit at the office. Wait. That doesn't *sound* very grounded, but I promise, I have had a very zen attitude.Once I returned to the Cities, I tried to figure out where to start going again. While I am absolutely in love with the studio up the street, the times just don't mesh with my schedule. And then I remembered all the wonderful things I had heard about Tara Na. So that's where I've been, and the classes have been solid (Although I am still waiting for that magical moment when an instructor puts on Gayngs instead of the hippie windchime crap music they all seem to love. But at least they aren't playing Michael Franti. Lord, I cannot stand that guy.). This photo is of one of the many budha-type statues they have at the front of the room surrounded by candles. Yup, it's very zen indeed.