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on my way home

This week I'm over at the Star Tribune for a full 40-hour work week as we are getting a brand new computer system, and they are forcing the design desk to switch from Macs to PCs. To say I am not on board with the switch would be an understatement, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and remember that I'll only work on these dreaded machines for 24 hours a week. The rest of the time I can bask in the glory of Macintosh at home.Anyway, the good news about this training is that I'm pulled out of production for the week, and I got to leave just before 5 pm today. That NEVER happens in the real world! And when I left, there was this last gasp of sunlight around, and so I took the long way home around Lake Harriet to admire the cross-country skiers and the beautiful Irish Wolfhound I saw being walked (and to shoot this photo). I asked the dog's owner how much she weighed. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY POUNDS...I am so glad I do not have to pick up that back yard.