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This is the Divine Fits. They blew me away tonight. I have their album -- have had it for months, actually -- and I'm the only one I know who's just luke warm on it. But live? Holy moly, that's another story. SO MUCH FUN LIVE.And it's a good thing, too, because I needed it. The rest of today was really strange. I saw a few bands that were REALLY good and sounded amazing and yet were so boring to shoot. They just stood there -- no dancing or jumping or anything fun to photograph. And then I saw some bands that DID jump around or gesture or have fun and look great. But they sounded awful.There were two exceptions to the day (and I saw 14 bands, so they truly were exceptions), and that was Deer Tick and Divine Fits up there.I am too beat to post all of my photos tonight, but I'll try to get them up tomorrow before I head out again. Sorry for the delay!Photos from the day are finally up over here. Enjoy!