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orpheum theater

Some of the old theaters in this town are just gorgeous. This is the Orpheum, and I was over here shooting Fiona Apple tonight. Man. What a lady.I can't post any photos of the actual show because I was shooting as a Star Tribune staffer, so they own the images, not me. But I'll link to them as soon as they're up -- and in the meantime you get to see the ceiling of the Orpheum! Yes, you're getting a raw deal. SorryAnyway, I was curious about this show because I *loved* Fiona when I was a freshman in college (who didn't?) (OK, I'm clearly talking to the women there). Anyway, I had kinda forgotten about her, and I knew she had a new album out, but I just kinda wrote it off. MISTAKE.I am here to tell you that those three songs I got to shoot gave me serious goosebumps and just like that, she was back in my heart. Couldn't help it.Anyway, I wish I could have stayed for the rest! If she's coming at you soon, get tickets. I promise you won't be disappointed (in the first three songs, anyway).UPDATE: You can see the photos posted here. Enjoy!