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out in nature

I took the kid on a photo walk this weekend at one of my favorite local spots, and we found nests and feathers and cranes and fish and … the poor guy dropped his (our old) iPhone he was using for the camera on the boardwalk RIGHT between the slats.

I mean, you could attempt that 20 times and never do it again.

We spent more than an hour trying to dig it back out with sticks and grass and we tried loosening the boards and … we just couldn’t do it. It was 94 degrees and muggy and we were beyond exhausted.

But then, a park ranger happened upon us, and he had a drill! And he removed the boards and we saved the phone. And then we celebrated with ice cream. And all Ezra could say the whole ride home was, “Man! That was an adventure! I did not expect any of that to happen!”

Me neither kid. Me neither.