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out sick

And here I thought this day would be uneventful.Memphis was up sick again last night -- both vomiting and urinating. We suspect that she has a really bad bladder infection, but we're still waiting on results from the vet before we can medicate her. Because she's on a steroid for all of her OTHER issues, I guess it takes longer to confirm the more simple things like bladder infections. But we sure would like to get this sorted out, because if it's not a bladder infection, then it is something Much More Serious according to the vet ... which is stressful. Anyway, today it was back to the doctor for more tests to "triangulate" the results.This photo was shot as she stared at the exam room door, anticipating the techs' (strangers! with treats!) arrival before they stuck a needle in my baby's jugular. Look at this sweet, naive face. Poor girl. The funny thing is, she is SO SO HAPPY to be at the vet surrounded by STRANGERS OMG STRANGERS that she just freaks out and everyone always asks us how old she is because they assume she's a spastic puppy. We're all: "She's nine." And no one ever believes us.We'll know the health problems are really serious when we visit the doctor and she acts like a normal dog. Until then, spastic puppy is a good sign (believe it or not).