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parks and playgrounds

post by leslie

Something that we all appreciated about the city was the parks. We spent the majority of one day in Central Park, playing on playgrounds, climbing huge rocks, eating ice cream, riding a merry-go-round, playing with enormous bubbles and concluding it all with a horse and buggy ride. What a resource!We did all of this on a sunny Saturday when it was 77 degrees, and it appeared that tens of thousands of other people had the same idea we did. So on Sunday morning, I woke up early and headed over to the park around 7 am to see it when it was more quiet (like this other time I went). But, uh, there was a NYC marathon prequalifying race happening along with a TON of baseball games on the diamonds and I think there were even more people there than on Saturday! Finding peace and quiet in this city is tough.We tended to have more luck with fewer people when we ventured out to Washington Square park, where we played on the playground, listened to live music and let Ezra run around in the fountain.