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perfect saturday

What a great day! Woke up this morning still all happy from last night's wonderful shows before rolling out of bed to process photos and relive it all. Then we headed over to a baby shower (I know, a bit unlike us) where we celebrated the soon-to-be-arrival of Beta Peterson. No, that's not the baby's real name. Yes, that's what we're all calling it for now.It was a super fun shower because, as someone pointed out, 95% of the guests were childless dog owners (quite the barren crowd, as @tubes commented) and so it was really just a fun party where we all bought them amazingly geeky and cool baby gifts. Space Invaders onesie? Check. Star Wars reading material? Check. Baby's first camera? Check. KISS baby shoes? Oh yeah. (That last one was our contribution.) So yeah, good times.Then later tonight we went to see Take Me Home Tonight (the new Topher Grace film). Yes, I felt obligated. And yes, it was awesome and I loved it. (Spoiler alert: You get to see him topless. Sigh.) And after that, we went to the Turf Club and caught a bunch of great live music, including Romantica. Overall? A pretty awesome Saturday. #winning #tigerblood