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Pets of Lyndale

Oh, you guys. You guys! Today was so hard and busy and exhausting and hot and sweaty and FUN and rewarding.Today I shot a big dog project for Zeus Jones called Pets of Lyndale. Lyndale Ave is a main street here in Minneapolis that they close down for a festival once a year called "Open Streets." Zeus Jones wanted me to set up a photo studio in their parking lot and do free pet portraits for the people at the festival that the agency would then post online the following day.?Is this assignment right up my alley or what?So today I photographed 99 dogs and one cat in 5.5 hours. If my math is correct, that's about 3.5 minutes between subjects. You guys, I was HUSTLING. But I am so, so happy with the results. You can see the final images here.The photo above was total chaos as the lovely and wonderful Meredith assisted me today and tried to help wrangle these westies into submission. We kinda lost that battle, but the photos were still fun. Poor Mere. She's such a dang good sport.Now I'm going to crawl off to bed. I think I'll work a half day tomorrow since I put in 15.5 hours today. See? I can make those decisions now that I'm my own boss. Hallelujah.