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poor, sick pup

0318magswOh my sweet girl.Magda got super sick last night. Vomiting like crazy and she just couldn't get comfortable -- panting, circling, lying down in many places only to whimper and get up and move again.After several hours of this, Jamie took her to the emergency vet, and a few hundred dollars later she is hydrated and we have an x-ray showing that her stomach/intestines are clear. So at least we are worrying less.Today, she's feeling much better, but she's not eating much and her breath is even more rank than usual. Needless to say, we're letting her have her space to rest up. We don't know what happened, but we think she ate something foul in the yard (which would be unsurprising).But besides the pup, everything else today was glorious. I had to work for a few hours to catch up on some shoots, but otherwise Jamie took the day off work and we checked Ezra into daycare and lounged on the couch with cheese popcorn and wine watching college basketball. It was glorious. Pure heaven.For your internet share of the day, let's all fantasize about this new thing I just learned about: Glamping.