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poor, sweet magda

0326MagssmDear, sweet Magda.This girl is trying *so hard* to be good. She just has such a hard time lately because we seem to have visitors almost every other day, and many of them bring children, and none of them are at all interested in this here pup. Oh, some of the kids are interested in her, but also a little afraid (understandably) because of her excitable nature. And let's be clear, the adults are all here to see Ezra, mainly.Anyway, it leaves this poor pup locked out of many rooms, singing for some attention, and trying so hard to be well behaved.Because of this, I've been walking Mags for about an hour each day (whew!) and trying to love her up even more.Anyway, she hasn't gotten much play in our Mondays at the Madhouse lately, and I wanted to show you all that she still is burrowed deep in my heart (and probably in my hamper at the moment).For your internet share of the day, I want you all to read about the logo and branding for the Minnesota United (the newest pro soccer team). Even if you hate soccer, go look at this. It's a curtain behind what goes into smart and thoughtful design as my buddy Brad walks you through the process of designing the branding for the team. Really fascinating stuff (to me, anyway).