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Man, oh, man. Today was exhausting. We spent the day negotiating funeral prices, picking out caskets, consoling family (and each other) as well as mopping up the grossest dog vomit ever after Memphis ATE THE USED KITTY LITTER. Jesus, how gross is that?My success of the day was writing my first obit since Journalism 101 at KU back in 1995 (thank you Ted Fred for all of your guidance) and then successfully emailing a pitch to the KC Star to get a story published as a news obit. If it runs tomorrow, I'll link to it so you guys can read more about Jamie's dad.The second biggest success would have to be getting Jamie's mom out of the house and to dinner where she actually ate and we were treated to a random belly dancer. Yeah. That doesn't happen every day.This photo is of Rafie, Jamie's mom's dog. He loves, loves, loves posing for the camera. And that is a fun treat for me.UPDATE: The KC Star ran an article on Stan in the A section, you can read it here.