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over the rainbow

Tonight we met up with Spike and Robbin again, but this time we took them to Nye's. Enough of the fancy schmancy sushi, we wanted them to see the real people of Minneapolis. And boy did they.

We sat at the piano bar, and man did that place fill up. People were singin' and dancin'. It was awesome. Seriously. This lady was a particularly fabulous singer. I shot this photo during her version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow (shout out to the Kansans). I had no idea that this piano-bar scene was so vibrant - what a treat.

My only regret was that we had so much fun chatting and catching up with our guests (and maybe tossing back a few) that I didn't spend much time actually taking pictures. You could shoot this place for a few weeks and probably come out with an entire coffeetable book full of material. Good thing I live here and can return any time :)