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rockin' the suburbs

What a full Saturday! Probably because I slept in until 11:15. Yup. I love being an adult.After rolling out of bed, there were a bunch of errands, a lovely visit from Mere and her pup Wally, a KU basketball game (which we won, of course), some classwork and then a party this evening. The host of the party was a coworker of Jamie's, and unbeknownst to me, a bourbon afficianado. Most of you know that when I gave up grains, I gave up whisky. This was probably one of the hardest sacrifices for me (more than bread, that's for sure). Anyway, our host had an amazing bourbon collection, including this bottle which I had never heard of before. You can read more about it here. Fascinating, no? And I managed to resist it. Truly amazing, I tell you...Also today, Merlin got a playdate. I've noticed that Merlin is even MORE excited on walks now when he sees another dog, and it got me thinking that maybe he's a little lonely. So Mere brought her dog over and they played a little. Not a ton, but I do think Merlin had a good time. And Wally? Mere's dog? He loves, loves, loves toys (Merlin could care less). And he dug out a ton of Memphis' old toys, some of which she had hidden around the house that we hadn't found yet. It made us both happy and sad to see them get such good use again. Yes. I am a total sap. I'm working on it.