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practice makes perfect. or listenable.

Post by Leslie

You want to know what might be harder than learning to play a musical instrument when you're as old as I am? Taking a photo of it with your left hand when you are right handed because the light is better on that side of the piano.But I digress.Jamie and I have been in piano lessons for almost two months now, and it has been challenging for sure, but also a total blast. The hardest part of it all, if I'm being honest, is finding the time to practice. There is not enough time in the day to run a business, be a good mom/wife, keep up with a clean house/laundry, EXERCISE, walk the dog, keep up relationships with friends/family AND find 30 minutes to practice the piano. I'm working my hardest at it all, but man oh man my days are too short. Thank God I have Jamie to help with it all.Anyway! We have recitals in a few months! So now we have to practice not just because we want to learn, but also because we have to perform and we don't want to look like fools. We think we are going to each perform a song from Sound of Music, and I'm leaning toward this one.For your internet shares of the day:+ Who knew I could be this happy with Dick's Sporting Goods! They are willing to kiss money goodbye for the good of our nation even if our politicians aren't.+ These conversations and thoughts from Indigenous people were super informative and thought provoking.+ On a lighter note, people can be really fantastic. I love Nos. 20 and 22.