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So today was pretty awesome... once we got to the hotel. It's always so disorientating to arrive in a foreign city that you've never visited before and don't speak the language on about 4 hours of sleep and try to navigate your way through public transportation to the hotel*. But when you do it? You feel like a freakin' champion. And then you lay down and take a 2 hour nap in an attempt to feel human again.But after that, things got good. We walked around the neighborhood (which is amazing) and over a bridge to this memorial for victims of communism and then meandered back to the hotel. Oh! But in between all of that we stopped at a tea room for coffee and snacks and it was gorgeous. I took a photo of the ceiling that you can see along with my other photos from today over here. Oh, and that reminds me, I'm posting a ton of photos over on Instagram as well, so if you have a smartphone, you should follow me there (@plesserchick, obviously).After our walk and nap, we met up with Brian, who is on of Jamie's brother's old college roommates. He's lived here (or in Eastern Europe) on and off since 1995, and he was a fantastic tour guide. We visited several beer halls and some hidden gems and in general got a great foundation tour of the city.Tonight we're heading to bed a tad early so that we can hit the ground running tomorrow. But so far my impressions are that the city is gorgeous and the people are amazingly friendly and almost all of them speak English. Thank God because that Czech I learned? It will only get me so far.* Our hotel is truly phenomenal. Should you ever be visiting Prague and need a suggestion, please let me know.