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0821showersmSo as soon as my girlfriends all found out I was knocked up, they wanted to throw me baby showers. You guys? I hate baby showers. Like, I dread them. It's not that I don't love celebrating my friends and their babies! I do! I'm thrilled for my friends that decide to have kids! But I don't want to go to a party and count diapers and play games and open baby gifts. It just never appealed to me (and for the record? I'm on the same page with bridal showers as well). It's just not who I am. I like things small and personal.So I politely told each person that thank you, but no I don't want a shower. And let's just go have dinner! And you can drink wine! And we can enjoy these last few months of girls nights out! Those memories are far more important to me than a shower.Anyway! I have this one friend who decided to throw me a "non shower" at my very favorite restaurant in town (Bar La Grassa) tonight, and then she and a few others brought presents even though that's not what the whole deal was about. But you guys? These presents were so fun! That's the thing that I keep forgetting. That these people are my FRIENDS and they get me and know me and they are not going to bring me a Disney or Barbie ANYTHING. Instead I get gifts like that pacifier up there! And it GOES TO ELEVEN!?! How awesome is that?(Do you not get that joke? Have you never seen Spinal Tap? Here is the clip I am referring to... although it's not nearly as funny without the rest of this classic piece of art as background).And I have a few small groups of friends who have done this for me -- "surprise" showers that I know nothing about and I show up to cool rock'n'roll presents and sweet sentiments. Which proves that I have amazing buddies. I am so, so lucky.For your internet share today, how about this grumpy, lazy Vizsla. And it's not mine! Magda does talk to us like this. But only when she's hungry or has to go outside...