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pretty ladies

Another good day -- but this one included more of the smokin' hot ladyfolk. I caught Solange, Dessa, a band called Phox from Madison (fun surprise!) and the Joy Formidable. All were fantastic. Besides the ladies, Fidlar was solid, as was DIIV. But overall not as much music today -- this girl's getting tired (only eleven bands).But the MOST exciting part of the day? That would be when Jamie and I both won tickets to see JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE tomorrow night FOR FREE in a SMALL VENUE.I KNOW.We are really excited for that, but I must warn you now that I am 99 percent sure they are not gonna let me take photos (boooo!!). So you might get an instagram tomorrow, or something of the like. Unless someone out there is, like, buddies with JT and wants to put a good word in for my photo skillz. Cuz that would be rad.More photos from today are up over here. Enjoy!