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0114toessmHi there!Yup, those are my feet. Why, you ask? Because today, for the first time in ... 9 months, I painted my toenails.See, I caught this cold of Ezra's. And I'm congested and exhausted and I'm trying to "take it easy." Let me tell you a secret: I am terrible at "taking it easy." So today I decided, after dealing with email for the first 2 hours of the day, that I would shower and shave and attempt to at least look better if I did not necessarily *feel* better. And then after my shower, I was drying off my feet and thought of how nice it would be to get a pedicure.But let's be clear, there will be no leaving the house today. Even though I suck at "taking it easy," I do realize my limitations. So I set out to find some polish, and here we are.And I think that's about the most I'll accomplish today, as I'm now heading back to bed. Hopefully I can breathe through my nose tomorrow as I'm back to shooting again. Wish me luck.For your internet share today, I squealed when I saw the photos of Matka in the paper, and I think you'll enjoy the video. Because who knew Magda had doppelgänger with such a similar name and apparently superhero powers? Also, I totally think I could train Magda to serve as Matka's backup. For real. (And oh how I would love to get photos of that Matka!)