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"random twitter dinner guest"

Today proved that no matter how crappy things are going, surround yourself with good friends, delicious food and wine and it will improve substantially.We started with a visit to the dental office (oy) followed by some contractors at the house (ugh) and then too much work to possibly finish in one afternoon (seriously?).But tonight I headed over to Mere's for dinner with some people I knew and some people that I didn't and laughed to the point of loss of breath several times. In this photo is some guy named McHale (ok, ok, it's really Michale -- you know, Michael, but Russian) who apparently Mere invited, although she only knew him through Twitter. Don't judge. At one point she only knew me through twitter, so this is perfectly acceptable among our set. But this guy? Let's just say he's way more entertaining than I am at dinner parties.This is a photo of him showing us that he has the ability to lick his elbow and how much that impresses the ladies. I'm just gonna leave you with that. And I'm gonna say that the look our resident lesbian gave him when he said this almost sent red wine out of my nose.Oh. And the part of the evening when Nicky said: "Isn't dinner good? Meredith really knows how to beat the meat." That was good, too.*Insert Beavis and Butthead laughter here.