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Today I was able to have lunch with a friend and finish up my holiday shopping (stocking stuffers? check) as well as watch Kansas just dominate Ohio State. But I felt like it was all through a bit of a haze. I'm just still really sad and raw about Memphis, and all I really want to do is curl up in a quiet corner and think. But I have a gazillion things to get done for the holidays and work and such, so it's not much of an option right now. Which seems to lead to me thinking most about my grief when I'm driving. Which tends to lead to tears.Because of this, I've been trying to take back roads and side streets... well that and holiday traffic right now is just out of control. Any time I can cruise by a lake instead of a packed shopping district, I'm doin' it. This afternoon I detoured over near Lake of the Isles, and the ice on the lake was perfect. It was so smooth, and there were people playing hockey and skating and even a few owners taking their dogs out (watching dogs try to walk on ice is endlessly funny to me). I snapped this image before heading home for the day.So if you see some crazy woman driving around down with tears streaming down her cheeks and punk rock blaring on the radio, just know that I'm working through this the best I can right now. And yes, I know I look ridiculous.