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I have to give credit for this shot to Alby, who noticed the reflection while we were sipping cocktails by the pool this evening, waiting for our dinner to finish marinating. I agreed that it was lovely, and ran inside to grab my camera.Today it hit 104, but I'm not gonna lie, it really wasn't too bad. As long as you were in the pool, all was just fine. So today consisted of another 5-mile morning walk (it's essential to leave before 7 am to beat the heat) followed by delicious breakfast, lounging by the pool, reading magazines, grabbing snacks, lounging by the pool some more and evenually heading out for a little shopping before returning home for... wait for it... lounging by the pool and cooking dinner.I have this habit of planning vacations where I explore and learn and shop and eat and stay very busy. This vacation right here? This is just what I needed.