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0708sailswI shot this photo yesterday morning. I had a sunrise shoot over at the lake, so I took advantage of the light and the still waters.Honestly, folks? I'm still in a somber mood about the shooting in Falcon Heights yesterday. I'm so sad for that family's loss and for the state of our world right now. I'm sad that there is anyone out there who thinks it's ok for a cop to fire a gun into a car carrying a small child with no weapon in sight. I'm sad that the NRA jumps to defend white people who are under fire for their conceal and carry licenses, but are silent when the victim is black. And I am sad for all the children who Phil fed and loved at his place of employment, who now will learn what a cruel and unfair place this world can be.While I realize it reeks of my privilege to say this, I am glad I am heading out of town for a few days to gather my thoughts and step away from the constant stream of social media. I realize how fortunate I am, in my white skin, to be able to do just that. I don't have to live in the stress and fear day after day that these people of color are dealing with. And yes, I do feel guilty about that.And speaking of internet information overload, I had tears on my cheeks many times today while watching a variety of videos on this topic. The one that haunts me the most, however, is from this black female police officer. If you haven't seen it, it's worth your time. Also? If you have a free moment today, write or call your local representatives and politicians. Demand more civilian oversight in these cases. Demand more training on racial issues and non-lethal force. That's what I did today, and while it didn't make me feel better, at least I felt I did *something*.As I mentioned, I'm heading into the woods for a brief break. I'll be back blogging at the end of next week. See you on the other side.