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0728calligraphyOne of my New Year's resolutions (for the past two years) has been to improve my handwriting. I think it's mildly ridiculous that for someone who loves typography as much as I do, that I don't work more on my own personal typography, right? But whenever I'm writing something, I find myself in such a hurry, and it's hard to put much thought into the letter forms when that is the case.So last night I took a calligraphy class. Not only might it improve how I think about letter forms, but I love stretching other sides of my brain.You guys, it was SO MUCH FUN!!!! I had a blast, and if I didn't have a business to run or a child or a dog, I would probably find myself working on this for several hours each day!But the best part about the class was that you got to keep all the supplies, and now I can practice when I find the time.The photos above were taken at the class from my phone. The top image was before we started (lovely workspace, no?) and then next to that are my first markings with the pen. The bottom left corner was my own name, done after about 2 hours of learning (a lot to be improved, but fun nonetheless) and the last shot in the bottom right is an envelope that our instructor had written. In other words, that's the inspiration.I hope I can find a little time this weekend to steal away and practice some lettering. What will you do with your pockets of free time this weekend?For your internet shares today:+ They found a photo of Prince from when he was 10 years old and HE IS SMIRKING THEN LIKE HE DID NOW. It's amazing.+ These are the most beautiful tarot cards. My mom used to take me to have them read when I was a kid.+Haley Bonar, one of my favorite local musicians who also looks like my grandmother did when she was young, has a new album out and I've loved listening to it today