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right before hipster armageddon

So, first off, today was the Soundset music festival. It's a big rap show here in town that goes all day long and is over three stages. This was my first year going, and it was a game-time decision for me a) because I hate festivals b) because I hate crowds c) because I hate carrying my gear around for 8 hours straight d) because I hate the heat and it was 95 degrees and humid today. But I decided to go because... POS was gonna be playing a solo show. And I know he has a new album coming out this year, and we all know how much I LOVE POS' music, and I wanted to hear the new stuff.I also wanted to see Astronautalis, just because he's such a fun performer, and I was hoping to catch Lupe Fiasco as well. But that never happened, because right after Astronautalis' set ended, they cancelled the festival and told everyone to go home because a storm was on its way.And by "on its way" they meant "arriving in 2 minutes." And by "storm" they meant "armageddon." Seriously, I felt like those news casters who are trying to tell the public about a hurricane and you can't hear them and they are soaked and in pain on the television and the wind is blowing their clothes and trees in unnatural ways. That's what the weather turned into as TWENTY THOUSAND OF US hiked more than a mile back to our cars in this torrential rain that you couldn't see in and was pelting us (painfully!). You can only imagine the mudI really wanted to post an image of POS' set today, but I later attended an afterparty where he played after midnight, which (ding! ding! ding!) means I can use it for tomorrow's image. And I wanted to give you a *little* variety. Also? Just for the record? I saw at *least* eleven different rap groups today, and I think I'm a little rapped outAlso? I will post more photos tomorrow. I promise. OK, OK, photos are up. You can spy them here.