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Robotics camp

How much fun are these girls having? Today I got to take photos of a local Girl Scout camp that spends the week teaching girls robotics! They built several moving pieces using computer code that they wrote and then used legos to build the "machines." It was pretty rad to see their delight at when the machines worked (as you can see above). When I was in Girl Scouts (actually, I got kicked out in Brownies, so I never made it that far), they didn't have camps like this! It's so cool to see all the neat stuff girls can do these days.And besides this, I also got to take photos of a dog yoga class today!!!! The pictures are SO FUN, but they are exclusive to this Top Secret Project I'm working on (the big reveal will come in about three weeks). Don't worry, as soon as I can I'll share the photos with you.For my internet share of the day, I'm going to send you over to an article that my friend Andrea wrote for a local magazine profiling the woman who runs First Avenue. Her name is Dayna, she's 34 and she splits her time between Minneapolis, Los Angeles and her wife and child. Busy! And cool! Plus? You can read about the First Avenue ghost..... It's all over here. Enjoy!