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post by leslie

Did you guys catch that game last night? WOW.I mean, let me be clear, I totally have the Jayhawks playing Villanova in my bracket because I went to school there, and I'm too much of a homer to wish anything else, but I never really thought that would actually HAPPEN. And just take a look at how happy my boys were in the minutes after that win. What a nice cap to the weekend.We returned from Kansas yesterday afternoon (sorry about the lack of posts -- things were busy to say the least), and got the car unloaded just in time to turn on the game.A few business notes:+ I have one spot left for my headshot sessions. You can sign up for that here.+ If you have contact info for any dog rescues you are fond of, send them my way. I'm doing a secret project with rescue dogs and I need names and emails! Pretty please! (More soon.)Now, for internet shares of the day:+ These cookie photos stopped me in my tracks.+ Here are photos from the weekend's protests -- some great signs in there. We were scheduled to protest in St. Paul, but then ended up back in Kansas, assuming there would be no protests there. BUT WE WERE WRONG! A few hundred protested, and made me proud.+ Last I heard, the people of Flint still can't drink their tap water. But don't worry, Trump is working on rolling back water protections for citizens. Good job, Mr. Burns.